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China’s Silent Peace Prize

1 16057 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-10-12

A Chinese citizen has won a Nobel Peace Prize, but few in China know anything about it.


        Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to China's Liu Xiaobo desecrated 亵渎 the prize and could harm China-Norway ties关系, said Chinese Foreign Ministry中国外交部 spokesman Ma Zhaoxu on Friday.

      Ma made the remarks in a press release after he was asked to comment on the award, which was announced earlier in Oslo, Norway.

       Liu was sentenced to 11 years in jail on December 25, 2009 after a local court in Beijing convicted him of agitation [ˌædʒɪˈteɪʃən]煽动  aimed at subverting 颠覆 the government.

      The Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded to people who contribute to national harmony, country-to-country friendship, advancing disarmament [dɪsˈɑ:məmənt] 裁军 , and convening and propagandizing宣传 peace conferences, Ma said.

         He claimed this was the wish of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prizes.

         Ma said Liu was a criminal sentenced by the Chinese judicial authorities司法机关 for violating Chinese law.

        "What he has done is contrary to 与..相反 the purpose of the Nobel Peace Prize," he said.

The Nobel committee's decision to award such a person the peace prize ran contrary to and desecrated the prize, he said.

          China and Norway had enjoyed sound development of bilateral [baiˈlætərəl]双边的 ties in recent years. Ma said this was conducive [kənˈdju:siv]有助于的 to the fundamental interests of the two nations and their peoples.

Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu might harm China-Norway ties, Ma said.