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1 5932 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-01-22
First, you will have to register with Ucas and enter your personal details. You will then be able to apply for up to five courses. Make sure you cross reference the course requirements with your predicted grades and A-level choices so you won't get rejected before you have even taken your exams.
You will then be asked to detail your education and qualifications to date and to give details of any jobs you have had. It's also a good idea to nail down who will be providing your academic reference as soon as possible - make sure you give your teacher enough time to make it a good one.
Finally, before you submit your application, you will be asked to include your personal statement. This is your chance to convince your university or college that you are the right person to study their course.
For some people, writing a personal statement will come easily. But for those who are feeling daunted about the prospect of putting 4,000 characters together, you are not alone. As Stuart Balnaves, head of learner experience at Ucas, puts it: "Those three words - Ucas personal statement - can stike fear into students’ hearts", but there are ways to make the process easier.
To start with, jot down reasons why you want to study your chosen course. Is it a new passion or an old interest? Were you inspired by something you read or does it lead towards the career you would eventually like to pursue – in which case, what is it that appeals to you about that career?
Secondly, think about what you can say you have done to demonstrate why you are passionate about this particular subject. Have you taken part in a society or club outside of school? Do you enjoy reading about your subject, if yes, what books particularly interest you and why?
Have you worked in any roles that help with skills that universities might find appealing? Have you helped fellow students at school, have you volunteered or undertaken work experience in your field?

然后,您将被要求详细说明您迄今为止的教育和资格,并详细说明您所拥有的任何工作。确定谁将尽快提供您的学术参考也是一个好主意 - 确保您给老师足够的时间使其成为一个好的参考。
对于某些人来说,写个人陈述很容易。但对于那些对将4,000个角色放在一起的前景感到沮丧的人来说,你并不孤单。正如Ucas学习者经验的负责人斯图尔特·巴尔纳夫斯所说的那样:“这三个词 - 尤卡斯的个人陈述 - 可以激起对学生心中的恐惧”,但有办法让这个过程变得更容易。
首先,记下为什么要学习所选课程的原因。这是一种新的激情还是旧的兴趣?如果你的灵感来自于你所阅读的东西,或者它是否会导致你最终想要追求的职业 - 在这种情况下,你对这个职业有什么吸引力呢?

