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1 6546 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-01-30


Wearing perfume is part of the daily routine for many women. Depending on the scent it helps you feel sexy, or fresh, and prepared for the day.


While most people spritz perfume onto their necks and wrists, experts say that's not all you should be doing.


In fact, you should be putting perfume on your belly button.


Steven Claisse, senior perfumer at fragrance company Takasago, said that the navel is useful for more than just belly piercings and advised that dabbing a few drops of perfume on the belly button can work wonders.

香水公司Takasago的高级调香师Steven Claisse说,肚脐不仅仅适用于腹部穿孔,并建议在肚脐上涂上几滴香水可以创造奇迹。 

'Any area on your body that radiates heat will enhance a scent, and your belly button does just that,' he said.


UK-based perfume expert Ruth Mastenbroek, agrees it's one of the places optimal for your scent.

总部位于英国的香水专家露丝·马斯滕布鲁克(Ruth Mastenbroek)认为,它是最适合你香味的地方之一。

This is because perfume should be applied to pulse points, which is why it's sprayed onto necks and wrists.


The body heat coming from the pulse point on your belly button, as well as its handy little indent, provides the perfect place for perfume.


Even Liv Tyler says that she applies perfume to her belly button. She told Into The Gloss that it helps the scent stay.

甚至丽芙泰勒说她在她的肚脐上涂香水。 她告诉The Gloss,它有助于保持香味。



