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1 6844 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-02-03


Intellectually curious, honest and tolerant, those born in the Year of the Pig can be relied upon for their loyalty and often make true friends for life.


 Like the knights of old, Pigs are often highly regarded for their chivalry and pureness of heart, and will often sacrifice their own well-being for the greater good.


 The Pig can be very naive, however, and may easily fall victim to the unscrupulous who take advantage of their idealistic nature - as Pigs see everyone as loyal and caring as they are. Although forced to play the fool many times, they will just as likely hold fast to the notion that everyone is at heart decent and admirable.

然而,猪可能非常幼稚,并且可能很容易成为利用其理想主义性质的不择手段的受害者 - 因为猪看到每个人都像他们一样忠诚和关心。虽然被迫多次扮演傻瓜,但他们也很可能会坚持认为每个人都心不在焉和令人钦佩的观念。

 Stubbornly optimistic, the Pig will not tolerate those with well-meaning advice on how to be a Pig, but since they dislike quarreling and discord their anger usually cools quickly.


 Pig people love to read, are generally thirsty for knowledge, and not readily talkative, but if presented with an opportunity to discuss topics of interest with like-minded individuals Pigs may find themselves talking non-stop for hours!


 Famous people born in the Year of the Pig: Lucille Ball, Humphrey Bogart, Thomas Jefferson, Ernest Hemingway, Alfred Hitchcock, Mahalia Jackson, David Letterman, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

出生于猪年的著名人物:Lucille Ball,Humphrey Bogart,Thomas Jefferson,Ernest Hemingway,Alfred Hitchcock,Mahalia Jackson,David Letterman,Arnold Schwarzenegger。
