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1 6596 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-02-27


Valentine's Day is over, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on love. There are numerous benefits to showing affection, and according to a new study, those include warding off colds.


 The new research, published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, found that falling in love is associated with an increased activity of certain genes, particularly ones involved in antiviral defenses. In other words, love could help us fight off viruses like colds and the flu.


The small study involved just 47 women who were given weekly questionnaires and had their blood taken over 24 months, depending on their relationship timeline. To be eligible for the study, women had to be in a new relationship, which was defined as seeing someone for less than a month.


While women who fell in love over the course of the study had increased activity of the immunity genes, this wasn't observed in women who did not fall in love.


 "This could reflect a kind of a proactive response to anticipating future intimate contact, given that most viruses are spread via close physical contact," said Damian Murray, lead author of the study and assistant professor at Tulane's School of Science and Engineering.

“这可能反映了对预期未来亲密接触的积极反应,因为大多数病毒是通过密切的身体接触传播的,”该研究的第一作者,杜兰科学与工程学院的助理教授Damian Murray说。
