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1 9585 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-06-21


Reuters said on the 20th that the US government website information shows that Apple has said that continuing to impose more tariffs on China (including for iPhones, iPads, and iMacs) will reduce the company's contribution to the US economy while hurting it. Global competitiveness. The US "Politician" magazine said that Apple is trying to "squeeze" its products out of the list of tariffs to be imposed.

路透社20日说,美国政府网站信息显示,苹果公司已表示,继续对华加征更多关税(包括针对iPhones, iPads, and iMacs)将削减该公司对美国经济所做的贡献,同时伤害其全球竞争力。而美国《政客》杂志说,苹果正在努力把自己的产品从拟加征关税名单中“挤”出去。

Reuters said that a US government agency website on Thursday (20th) disclosed Apple's comments on the possibility that the US government would impose tariffs on a wider range of Chinese products. Apple’s attitude is that the US government should not do this. Reuters said that Apple has become the latest in a series of large US companies that oppose US tariffs on Chinese products.


Reuters said that Apple is the US company that pays the most taxes to the US Treasury. The company promised to invest $350 billion in the US economy in five years. Apple believes that more tariffs on China will benefit the company's global competitors.





