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2 9672 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-06-24


Yang Chenxi shares his own learning method, saying that the college entrance examination should learn to pay attention to the balance of subjects.

杨晨煜分享自己的学习方法  称高考要学会注重科目的平衡  

In fact, it is to follow the teacher. The teacher will have a lot of skills and methods. I feel that I can follow the teacher step by step. In fact, my level ability can reach perfect level step by step. Then in the college entrance examination, it is still the focus of the subject balance. First of all, the first is to first understand that the shortcomings of the method are to see which aspects of the gap are missing or weak, that is, to focus on breaking through these The place

其实就是跟着老师 老师会很多在技巧上方法上  我觉得跟着老师一步一步做,其实自己的水平能力一步一步能达到完美水平。然后在高考上其实还是注重科目的均衡 整体的话首先是一个是在方法上就 首先要明白自己的不足 就是看到自己哪方面的有缺漏 或是比较薄弱的话 就是要重点去先突破这些自己还不足的地方

Then the second question is a time-to-time arrangement. The allocation of each subject (learning time) is more balanced. Then we must properly take care of some weak subjects. This can be achieved in the end.

然后第二个问题是一个时间整体的安排 各科目的(学习时间)分配就要比较均衡 然后要适当地照顾一些弱势的科目 这样就最后可以实现就是各科均衡地提高。

The above is the learning skills shared by Yang Chenxi, the graduate student of Guangxi Science and Technology, which is 730 points in the college entrance examination. I hope that you can learn from it.





