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Girlfriends ignored in World Cup mania

1 6470 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-06-22

Girlfriends ignored in World Cup mania

BEIJING - Many female college students seem to have a love-hate relationship (爱恨关系)with the ongoing 2010 FIFA World Cup(2010世界杯).
They say male classmates are so obsessed(沉迷) with the World Cup that theyoverlook [ˌəuvəˈluk](忽视)their girlfriends.
Eager to watch the opening ceremony(开幕式) on June 11, law student Li Ou at Neijiang Normal University in Sichuan Province urged(敦促) his girlfriend Wang Xue to hurry up and finish dinner that evening so he could race back to the TV set.
Wang was upset that her boyfriend left with only anapology [əˈpɔlədʒi](道歉). When the ceremony was over, Li feltguilty [ˈɡilti]() and tried to apologize to her. Wang didn't accept his explanation, shouting, "Do you want to stay with football for the rest of your life!"
Just like Wang, many female students hate the World Cup because their boyfriends are so absorbed(着迷) in the soccer matches that their girlfriends feel totally ignored(忽视).
A college blogger(写网络日志的人) calling herself Zhong Heyong wrote an article on qq.com titled, A letter to the World Cup: No.1 Rival(对手) in Love for Female College Students.
The letter expressed the student's jealousy [ˈdʒeləsi:](嫉妒) of the World Cup in the rivalry [ˈraivəlri,ˈraɪvlri](竞赛) for her affection. "Why do you, World Cup, let me witness [ˈwitnis](亲密)this intimacy [ˈɪntəməsi:](亲密) between you and my boyfriend? From high school to the third year in college, he looks forward to you and is prouder of you than me."
She poured out(道出) her disappointment with her boyfriend, saying that her heart was broken because after being with him four years, she couldn't compete with a football.
At the end of the letter, the author surrenders(投降) to the World Cup but still hopes her boyfriend will love her forever.
"I totally lose. I present my boyfriend the World Cup. I hope it will give him amazing memories and hope he will get tired of it after a while. Then he will love me again forever."