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College Students and Summer Vacation: 10 Ways to Spend Summer Vacation

1 7564 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-07-08

College Students and Summer Vacation: 10 Ways to Spend Summer Vacation

10 Ways for College Students to Spend Summer Vacation #1: Doing an Internship

A wonderful way for college students to spend summer vacation is doing an internship(实习). Granted internships usually don't pay anything, but an internship will give you the experience that companies will be looking for after you've graduated(毕业).

10 Ways for College Students to Spend Summer Vacation #2: With Family and Friends

College students who attend a college in another state should spend summer vacation in their hometown [ˈhəʊmˈtaʊn](家乡) with their family and friends. When you're in college, you rarely have time to go home and visit these people. This summer, take the time and go home.

10 Ways for College Students to Spend Summer Vacation #3: Catching Up on Movies

What college student has time to watch movies during the fall and spring semesters? This summer, spend your summer vacation catching up on all the movies that did so well in the theaters. Getting a subscription [səbˈskrɪpʃən](.预订) to Netflix(奈飞) will allow you to enjoy all these great movies without having to go back and forth(来回) to the video store and Netflix is cheaper.

10 Ways for College Students to Spend Summer Vacation #4: Reading

College students spend a good portion [ˈpɔ:ʃən](一份)of their time reading, but unfortunately, they spend that time reading books they don't want to read. This year spend your summer vacation enjoying books that you actually want to read.

10 Ways for College Students to Spend Summer Vacation #5: On the Beach

The beach is a wonderful place for college students to spend their summer vacation. If you're really interested in spending your whole summer there, line up a job(安排一项工作) so that you can afford [əˈfɔ:d](承担)an apartment for three months.

10 Ways for College Students to Spend Summer Vacation #6: Working

Obviously [ˈɔbvɪəslɪ](明显地), this isn't the most enjoyable [ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl](享受的) way for college students to spend their summer vacation, but working during the summer, and saving your wages, will allow you to concentrate [ˈkɔnsəntreit](集中) on school during the fall and spring, rather than working and going to school at the same time.

10 Ways for College Students to Spend Summer Vacation #7: Finishing a Degree Early

The faster you get out of college, the faster you can get a great paying job. That's why college students should spend their summer vacation finishing their degree early. Some colleges even charge less money if you attend school during the summer.

10 Ways for College Students to Spend Summer Vacation #8: Taking Fun Classes

College students who receive financial aid[fi'nænʃəl 'eid](经济资助) don't have the chance to take classes that they find interesting, because financial aid will not pay for those classes unless they help towards your degree. If you have the money, take these classes during your summer vacation.

10 Ways for College Students to Spend Summer Vacation #9: Losing the Freshman 15

Your first year of college can be stressful [ˈstresfəl](压力大的)and hectic [ˈhektɪk](忙碌的). Your first year in college is spent getting used to(习惯于) a new environment and trying to do the best you can. You rarely have time to eat and when you do eat, the food is far from healthy. And you can forget about having time to exercise. All this combines for what many call "the Freshman 15". This summer, spend your summer vacation getting rid of(摆脱) those extra pounds.

10 Ways for College Students to Spend Summer Vacation #10: Being Lazy

College is hard. You work hard to get good grades, get your assignments(作业) done on time, and still have a life outside of college. All of this can really take its toll on your body. That's why the most perfect way for college students to spend their summer vacation is being lazy.