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Chinese travel abroad increases

1 6371 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-08-04

Chinese travel abroad increases

China's statistics [stəˈtistiks](数据) from 2009 are expected to show its first deficit [ˈdefisit](赤字) in tourism, due to a weak global economy(疲软的全球经济) and a strong travel incentive [inˈsentiv] (激励) at home, a senior researcher said.
China Tourism Academy(中国旅游研究院), said that mainland tourists(大陆游客) spent some $42 billion in overseas destinations(海外游) including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan last year.
At the same time, overseas tourists(海外游客) spent only $38 billion on the mainland, down by 7 percent year-on-year.
Though official statistics for 2009 are yet to be released, the academy estimated(预测) that the tourism deficit(旅游收入赤字) will stand at $4 billion in 2009 - the first ever tourism deficit in China.
"The deficit in tourism service trade is a new sign saying that China is turning into a notable tourist source market,(值得关注的旅游资源市场), in addition to being an important destination," Dai Bin, deputy head of China Tourism Academy, told China Daily.
The deficit will enable China to have more say(话语权) in the global travel market, and also help lift the pressure [ˈpreʃə](压力) on China for renminbi appreciation(人民币升值), he said.
The booming outbound travel(国外旅游的火爆) also will encourage domestic enterprises to "go out" and purchase more shares in foreign travel businesses, he said.
Some 47 million trips were made by mainland tourists to overseas destinations in 2009, up 3 percent year-on-year, the academy estimated.
In contrast, 126 million overseas tourists visited the mainland last year, down by 3 percent year-on-year, it estimated.
Though the inbound tourists far outnumbered the outbound, apparently mainland tourists, with swelling wallets and eagerness for shopping, have spent much more overseas.
"Chinese tourists have a different spending concept(消费观念) from others. They could endure [inˈdjuə](忍受)staying at a three-star hotel(三星级酒店) and eating at a not-so-good restaurant, but would never go back home empty-handed(空手)," said Zhang Wei, general manager of the outbound department with the China International Travel Service head office.
Also, since many imported goods are sold on the Chinese mainland at much higher prices, many tourists shop for expensive watches, clothes and cosmetics(化妆品) overseas, she said.
Beijinger Gao Xuenan, on her trip to Europe last month, spent some 13,000 yuan ($1,900) on a Louis Vuitton bag and a purse [pə:s,pɜːs](钱包), and spent another 2,000 yuan on a Burberry scarf [skɑ:f](围巾).
"The prices of these goods are much higher in Beijing. The scarf, sold at more than 4,000 yuan, is even out of stock(断货) in Beijing. I kind of feel I would suffer a loss [lɔs](损失) if I don't buy them in Europe," she said.
A survey [səˈvei](调查) by AC Nielson in 2008 said each Chinese tourist spent an average $987 per trip. Those travelling to Europe spent an average $1,781.
But foreign tourists usually do not shop for such expensive items in China, she said.
Besides, the global economic downturn(全球经济放缓) has made many foreign tourists slash [slæʃ](削减) their China shopping budgets, said Dun Jidong, spokesman for the China Travel Service.
"But (the economic meltdown)(经济下滑) had less impact [ˈimpækt](影响) on mainland tourists, who traveled with confidence in China's economy," he said.
The number of Beijing tourists joining outbound tour groups through China Travel Service still grew at a double-digit(两位数) pace [peis](速度) last year as usual, he said.
From another view, after years of promoting China as a tourist destination(旅游目的地), the wealthy [ˈwelθi](有钱的) foreigners who used to be the primary group(主要团体) visiting the Chinese mainland have been replaced by ordinary tour groups and backpackers(背包旅行者), who spent less in China, Dai Bin with the academy said.
But the average GDP per capita(人均国内生产总值) has hit $3,000 in China, "a level that industry experts agree sends a signal that the country is entering a stage of explosive growth(爆炸式增长) in travel consumption", he said.
The academy forecast [ˈfɔ:-kɑ:st](预测) that 54 million trips will be made by mainland tourists to overseas destinations in 2010, an increase of 15 percent year-on-year.
"Compared to the average western tourist traveling at least seven times a year, Chinese tourists travel only once a year. We have a market with huge potential(巨大的潜力)," he said.