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1 6501 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-03-28


Easy DIY Beauty Recipes for Summer

Summer is officially in full swing and with it comes cute shorts, hot weather and hopefully some time spent at the nearest pool, beach or lake. However, all that summer fun can unfortunately give our skin and hair a beating. Beauty treatments from spas can help, but usually cost a lot of money, which isn’t ideal for most college students.
That’s why I compiled a list of some do-it-yourself beauty treatments that can keep you looking your best all summer long. The best part? They’re inexpensive and all-natural.
这就是我为何为大家搜集以下方法的原因啦。它们会是你最好的选择吗? 可以告诉你的是,这些方法都很实惠并且天然哦。

It’s important to stick with a strict skin routine- especially during the summer. I recommend using a mask once a week to revitalize the skin. There are tons of recipes out there for DIY facials, but my favorite involves combining one egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt and 1/2 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Just leave the mixture on your face for 10 minutes and rinse it off. It’s a great mask for most skin types.
If you have dry skin, mix half of a mashed avocado with 1/4 cup of honey for a mask that will add tons of moisture to your face.
Sliced strawberries, grapes and cucumbers act as natural toners to tighten skin and shrink pores. Just rub the slices over your skin after cleansing. Oily skin? Try sliced lemons to reduce shine.

Have some milk in your fridge that’s about to expire? Add it to a bath along with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil. Milk is a natural moisturizer that can do wonders for your skin and the olive oil will make skin super soft.
你的冰箱里是不是有一些将要过期的牛奶呢? 用它们掺入一些原生橄榄油来进行沐浴很不错。牛奶会使你的皮肤水润光滑,橄榄油会使你的皮肤柔软细嫩。

For an easy and natural deep conditioner, blend 1/4 cup of plain yogurt, 1/4 cup of mayonnaise and the whites from one egg. Cover your hair with the mixture (run a wide tooth comb through your hair to make sure it’s evenly dispersed) and leave in for 30 minutes before rinsing it out. This will reverse dry and damaged hair.


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