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1 8519 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-10-15


Having a hobby outside of work has so many benefits. Often it involves being physically active①, which a lot of people are lack during their daily life- especially if your work involves sitting at a desk all day. Secondly, it usually provides a social and team element and this is great for your mental health. To be a fully rounded person you need to have activities that you enjoy outside of your day-to-day work life. This might be playing squash one evening a week, taking up② a practical craft like knitting, joining a book club where you discuss books once a week or learning a new skill, like a new language, dancing or swimming. Whatever you enjoy doing, make time for it in your life. Sometimes we can get so caught③ up with work that we don’t make time for things that are equally as important.

Almost every child has a hobby - playing football, dance class, drama, a musical instrument, whatever it may be. This is important to develop as a well-rounded person. However, the hobby should always be enjoyable for the child, otherwise what is the point④? Many children in England have hobbies which are not for competitive purposes. For example, I had dance lessons every week and I loved it. I could socialise ⑤ with my friends and perform in shows at the end of the year. I continued this through⑥ university. Now I love to try new experiences, when I lived in Beijing I found a class in aerial hoop⑦ dance! That was a lot of fun.

What do you do to relax or to develop yourself outside of work?


① be physically active: 锻炼身体

② take up: 开始

③ get so caught up with work: 太忙于工作

④ What is the point? 有什么意义?

⑤socialise with my friends:与朋友进行社交活动

⑥ through university: 直到大学毕业

⑦ aerial hoop: 空中吊环


在这里我分享一节免费的试听课:【http://www.spiiker.com/daily/?qd=king】 跟欧美外教一对一学习,快速提高英语能力!



