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写作 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:14 - 电脑游戏

2 6289 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-11-08

写作 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:14 - 电脑游戏。为帮助大家做好四六级、专四专八、考研等各类英语考试的准备与复习,平台即日起推出英文写作系列,同时提供高分范文和范文音频,既可以背诵培养语感,也可以收听练习听力。(关注本站,持续更新基础英语考研资料,不定时发放英语大礼包)


It is a problem these days that more and more young people are becoming addicted to computer games, Some people say that this virtual world cuts them off from the real world. What is your opinion about this?


Computer Games Are a Form of Escapism

Are computer games a boon in terms of helping students relax after a long day's work at school? Or are they detrimental to pupils future development since students can become easily addicted to the virtual world? Personally, I am in sympathy with the latter.

Admittedly, computer games furnish entertainment when students only spend a moderate amount of time on them. It might even be beneficial since pupils can combine study with pleasure and therefore achieve high efficiency. However, the hard truth is that droves of students end up being obsessed with computer games and view them as a way to escape from reality. As a result, academic study is inevitably neglected. And a vicious circle is created-the more frustrated students are about study, the more addicted they become to the virtual world. Furthermore, not only pupils academic performance may suffer from playing computer games, the violence featured in such games may also exert an impact on impressionable teenagers. When the dividing line between the virtual and the real world is blurred, students may resort to violence in order to solve issues-as they do in games. Authoritative reports have confirmed that the increasing rate of violent incidents is ascribable toll the prevalent trend of playing computer games.

In sum the demerits of computer games far outweigh their few merits because of the tendency for students to neglect academic study and because some students may become more violent. (238 words)


1.Students tend to spend an inordinate amount of time on computer games.


2.It is undeniable that playing computers for a long time will put a strain on pupils health as well.


3.Granted,computer games can be utilized to yield beneficial results. Yet,a balance has to be drawn in order to achieve this objective,


4.In some cases,pupils' creativity can be stimulated by computer games.


5.Students who submerge themselves into the virtual world oftentimes confuse the games with reality.


以上就是写作 | 英语写作高分范文60篇题目与范文:14 - 电脑游戏的所有内容,希望对大家有帮助!现在国内越来越重视英语了,掌握一首好英语,不仅对学习和工作都有很大的帮助。

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